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Thinking about buying a home, but not sure where to start?
 My Home Buyer 101 series can help!

Brooke Pearson

The Blog

"I want to get the most money I can when I sell my house!"

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Sound like you?
Then the Love Selling Your Home series will be perfect for you. This guide will walk you through selling your home for the Most Money with the Least Hassle.
Sounds great, right? Get it here!

Is the idea of having a home of your own become more important to you? It’s totally understandable that you reach a point that you don’t want to rent anymore or you want a home that better reflects your needs and wants. When you purchase a house, a condo or a town home, you are […]

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Buying a home most likely will be one of your biggest purchases, and that’s why the decision to become a homeowner should be very personal one. The timing should be determined by your own particular situation and finances and never because everyone else around you is doing it. Though I understand the temptation! Below are […]

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I believe my job doesn’t end at the settlement table, and I want to be your resource for all things real estate related even after you move into your first home. Below are the questions asked most by past clients who have bought a home with me. I hope the answers to these questions help […]

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Having a yard for the first time can be exciting. You’ve got this extra living space to use for gathering with friends and family, or just hanging out and relaxing outside in the fresh air. But before you start thinking of buying that fire pit and inviting friends over, review my tips below about buying […]

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Do you know what you need to look out for when buying a home? If not, here are the top 5 things you need to consider so you can quickly move on to the next listing and not have any regrets. 1)     Location and Neighborhood No matter what type of home you buy – condo, […]

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You’re in the market to buy a home and up pops “title insurance” in the buying process. Are you stumped and not sure exactly why you need to get it? Here’s a Q&A that should clear up any uncertainty. What is Title Insurance? Why is this important? The home you want to purchase may have […]

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It’s both exciting and a little scary to buy your first or next home. That feeling of nervousness and not knowing what to expect is normal!  That’s why it’s important to have a strategy from start to finish if you want to find the right home for you, especially in today’s market. And part of […]

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Buying a home takes a lot of preparation and planning. It’s important to get your finances in order and other tasks done before you even start house hunting! Keep in mind that this early stage of the buying process doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time on your part even before we start working together. That […]

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Last week we discussed why paying down your mortgage might not be the right choice for many homeowner since you could use any extra cash in higher return investments or maintain easier access to these funds than being tied up in your home. However, there are some situations where paying down a mortgage does make […]

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There are lot of conversations about mortgages to be had.  Conversations about refinancing, about loans that help my clients buy and sell at the same time, and conversations about whether it makes sense to pay off your mortgage early or even make extra payments if you have additional funds.  I love talking about mortgages and […]

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Hey there, I’m Brooke and I love helping First-Time Buyers, Homeowners, and Sellers in the
Austin area navigate their journey to keep the
most money in their pockets!

When I bought my first home in 2005, I didn't fully understand the homebuying process, all that came with keeping my home an asset, or getting the most money when we wanted to sell...and my agent didn't teach me either! Without guidance or a household budget, my home turned into a burden versus the blessing I dreamed of. I don’t want this to happen to you!
Whether you’re a First-time buyer, seller, or even a first-time homeowner, my goal is to help you navigate your journey AND keep the MOST money in your pocket, so that you can build wealth through real estate.
I’d love chat with you about your real estate goals and get clear on how I can help you, so book your call below.


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and let me guide you to homeownership

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